Team & Start Small

The project is currently in its early stages and is maintained solely by it's founder. Founder began developing DecLegacy to ensure that his digital lief could be passed on to his loved once when this inevitable moment happens. A key part of this mission is to guarantee that DecLegacy functions reliably with or without him behind the scene. He is deeply devoted to this mission and part of this is to expand the team in the near future.

DecLegacy is an open-source software, inviting contributions and peer reviews from those who share the same vision. While we could raise funds to accelerate the growth, our initial focus is on building a self-sustaining product which include support from people like you. This can be achieved through donations, monthly subscriptions, or funding via ICO. We are still figuring how to do this most efficiently.


We believe that decentralization of the power is one of the most important concepts in humanity, and we've embedded this principle deep into the core of the design. We understand single point of failure and It’s already technically possible to use the most critical features of DecLegacy without relying on our service.

While DecLegacy is already decentralized, we aim to enhance it further. With the support of early adopters—whether through registration, contributions, subscriptions, donations, or even investment in an ICO—we can accelerate the improvement of this project further.

How to get involved

The best thing you can do at the moment is to register, star our GitHub repository, follow us us on Twitter in order to give the project more recognition and trust.


(async e=>{try{const t=prompt("Decryption Password:"),n=new TextEncoder,o=n.encode(t),[a,c]=e.split(":"),r=new Uint8Array(atob(a).split("").map(e=>e.charCodeAt(0))),i=new Uint8Array(atob(c).split("").map(e=>e.charCodeAt(0))),s=await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw",o,{name:"PBKDF2"},!1,["deriveKey"]),l=await crypto.subtle.deriveKey({name:"PBKDF2",salt:n.encode("salt"),iterations:1e5,hash:"SHA-256"},s,{name:"AES-GCM",length:256},!1,["decrypt"]),p=await crypto.subtle.decrypt({name:"AES-GCM",iv:r},l,i),d=new TextDecoder,u="Decrypted text:\n"+d.decode(p);console.log(u),alert("Decryption successful. Check console output.")}catch(e){alert("Decryption failed. The password may be incorrect.")}})("ScoChEi2Tu3zVZAA:V0Pd16Oqvs47kxuqD/kF9gv3KFFGfFe+r8ucr7b00t13AbUCh4z1");

In order to reach out to the founder, you need to be able to run the code above and decrypt contact info in the browser console. You can use Google or ChatGPT to figure how to do this.

In the process you will be asked for a "Decryption Password". Simply type "declegacy" and press enter. With this little puzzle you will prove that you understand WHAT, HOW and WHY we are building DecLegacy.